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Cable machine training

AddTime:2016-04-21 08:25:03   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close


One, in the fitness equipment in the process of using cable machine, get use to protect the palm, grip strength, half gloves, knee pads, belts and wristbands to protect equipment such as a good habit.
Second, using a cable machine, don't wear a sharp and valuables, lest affect exercise, damage or unnecessary loss.
Three, before using steel wire spring cable machine, to check the wire spring hook structure, and whether the installation is firm, in order to avoid slippage, injury accidents.
Four, when after the completion of the must use muscle power control spring, pimp or slow weight reduction, which can not only avoid spring, pimp or heavy hammer steel wire rope collision and fold "phenomenon, and give full play to the tubing rolled exercise's unique advantages, make muscles get maximum stimulation, thus received the best exercise effect
Five, before using heavy hammer pulley cable machine, must check the cable machine firmly, don't grabbed a pulley heavy hammer tubing and pull, picked up his hammer pulley cable machine is put forward, in order to prevent accidents caused by equipment failure and scattered. To see the pulley bolt is inserted in place of heavy hammer cable machine, screw loose, fall off, steel wire rope is strong, whether the grip and pulley installation is firm, do nip in the bud.


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