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Must be familiar with the eight basic knowledge of fitness

AddTime:2016-04-21 08:31:00   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close


1, the target muscle
Do actions to clear before training. Such as do dumbbell on inclined bench press, want to clear the area for the upper chest muscle training, triceps, at the same time exercise against the deltoid toe. Know after training muscles, the point is to feel the target muscle power process, this is the most important.
2, the action,
Fully understand a particular part of the training, for beginners a place three or four action can, to the advanced stage, a part of the training actions can be added to eight.
Number of sets of 3,
Group number is refers to the number of sets of each movement did, general beginner 2-3 groups is enough, the intermediate stage 4-6 groups, advanced stage 8-10.
Number 4, each group of
Number of each group of this concept is very important, as a certain number of times a dumbbell in each group the most weight. A set of 6 times the following used to increase power; 8 to 12 times to increase muscle mass; 15 to 25 times more used to improve muscle separating degree, carving muscle lines; More than 25 times to lose fat;
5, weight,
With the weight of the action can only be done once for maximum weight. Maximum weight of 85% and above for a big weight; 65% - 80% for medium weight; Small weight of less than 65% of the weight. In medium and large weight training, can increase strength and degree of muscle circumference. With medium and small weight training can improve the clarity of the muscles, separating degree and precision and can be part of minus the fat.
6, time interval between groups
This is a very important and easy to overlook the concept of time interval between groups is to point to the same action break between group and group. Usually short interval in 30 to 45 seconds, 1 minutes for medium interval, 1 and a half or more for longer intervals.
7, speed,
In fitness training, generally USES the slow or quick, is suitable for most of the fitness training. Of course not rule out some fitness method, to obtain effect by increasing movement speed.
8, fitness frequency
Beginners usually 3 times/week, mid-level practitioners can be practiced three to four times a week, and a high level of player of the season can be practiced every day, even 2 times/day. Because of experiments show that after a severe great physiological load of exercise training, 2-3 days the body is in decline, 3-5 days to restore to the original level, 5-8 genius will produce excess resume! So many high level of outstanding athletes have used method of each muscle group practice only once a week for regular training.


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